Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Only Way To Bake A Potato

OK, so this isn't the ONLY way to bake a potato. But it's definitely MY favorite way! Growing up, my parents would get after me for not eating the skin of the baked potato. "That's where all the vitamins are!" they would say. Or my Dad's favorite, "Eat up! It'll put hair on your chest!" Now I love my parents very much, but they had no clue when it came to convincing me to eat certain foods. Have you EVER heard of a child that was persuaded to eat something because it had VITAMINS? And though I was a little bit of a tomboy at the time. I never have and never will WANT hair on my chest! As I got older, I would eat the skin of a baked potato only because I could hear my Mother saying in my head that I needed the extra vitamins. However, once I learned to prepare baked potatoes THIS WAY, I had truly become a baked potato, skin and all, convert! Hope you enjoy!

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Scrub potatoes, dry and pierce each one several times with a fork. Rub the potatoes will olive oil (you can use other types, I just prefer olive oil), then roll each potato in coarse sea salt. Wrap each potato in foil and bake for 1 hour or until a knife can be easily inserted through the potato.

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